Messenger Style Diaper Bags

Messenger style diaper bags can double as a carrier for your cell phone, wallet, iPod, and more. That double duty makes them ideal for moms and dads who have to carry around a lot more than just those essential baby disposables. Moreover and perhaps best of all, they come in dozens of styles to suit every taste.

Kalencom, for instance, offers a perfect example in the form of the orange Sam's Messenger style diaper bag. Underneath the flap top there is plenty of space in an interior lined with helpful storage pockets. There are two custom-use bottle loops ideal for holding those all-important containers safely and securely. It cleans up in a moment and features dual magnetic clips to keep the flap closed, along with two outside pockets and an adjustable shoulder strap.

Skip Hop Dash Deluxe Messenger Diaper Bag Messenger style baby diaper bags do not get much better than the chic, roomy and unisex Skip Hop Dash Deluxe. With eleven pockets, a key fob, magnetic closures, and a removable shoulder strap, this might just be the ultimate bag. The black poly canvas bag is sturdy, lightweight, and super durable. The shuttle clips let you attach it to any stroller so it is also ultra practical. This model features a cushioned changing pad, as well.

Everything you need in a super stylish package. For a terrific variation on the theme, check out the Skip Hop Duo Deluxe in Green Camo.
Diaper Dude Diaper Bag For a bag designed specifically with dads in mind, look into the Diaper Dude diaper bag. The material is faux suede, giving the bag a rugged, masculine look. In addition, thanks to the ergonomic, across the chest fit, it is comfortable and easy to carry. With a wide, adjustable padded panel strap and simple clips, it is equally easy to take off. The removable, on the strap cell phone pouch, will see a lot of use. The three exterior zippered pockets, to hold wipes, bibs, food, and so on, make this model among the most practical diaper bags around.

Oi Oi Floral Messenger Baby Diaper Bag Moms will really go for the OiOi Floral Messenger style diaper bag. If you have ever envied the villain's coat in 101 Dalmatians, this black and white print is for you, darling. Nevertheless, OiOi did not short the practical elements, either. Internal pockets easily store wipes, nappies, and more. The outer pockets are perfect for your wallet and mobile phone. Insulated side pockets are ideal for keeping drinks cool. If you want to use it as a gym bag, the Oi Oi messenger diaper bag has that covered as well.

Go Gaga Slide Diaper Bag Either gender will find the Go Gaga Slide Diaper Bag suits them perfectly.

Designed in a stylish, but gender-neutral cayenne and grey, this bag has it all. There is a cell phone or MP3 player pocket in the shoulder pad and the Velcro center divider keeps everything organized inside. Stroller handles make it easy to attach to the pram. One-hand access to baby bottles and sippy cups make it easy to use. The foam base makes it a breeze to stand this bag upright when you need to pause or fetch something.

You do not have to sacrifice style to get durability and function. Moreover, you do not have to worry about who will take the diaper bag. A messenger bag gives you everything in one carrying bag for either gender.